
Boy Meets Boy
The most amazing webcomic *ever,* by Sandra Delete. Hurry! Read it! You won't regret it!

My Life In Blue
Incredible art, funny strips and a site design which completely rocks my world!

The (Erotic )Adventures Of Buffy & (Evil Vampire) Willow
Apart from being hilarious, it's also in color! Plus, femslash - wheee! ;o)

Site collective/portal site.

Rants, rambles and everything in between, regarding issues in fandom...

Go there for the art gallery alone!

Whee! I'm Naked
The first fansite dedicated to Boy Meets Boy - and what a lovely fansite it is!

Fanfiction by Avarice - and did I mention she writes both Buffy *and* Boy Meets Boy??? ;o)

d i s m a n t l e d
My own fanfiction. And yes, that was a completely shameless plug.

Slash Online
A great site to find recs and resources and stuff...

Tarlan, Keeper Of All Souls
Tarlan is quickly becoming one of my favorite author of Mag7 slash... Go! Read!

Ebony Life is hosted @ KeenSpace.Com

"Ebony Life" and all its characters are © 2001-2002 A. Åbyholm, unless otherwise noted. Steal them and die!